The latest quarterly national statistics on NHS cancer waiting times produced by the Department of Health were released on 30 November 2012 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.
In 2010, the United Kingdom Statistics Authority assessed and designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
We are improving the range of available cancer waiting times data to meet the statutory requirement to continue observing Code of Practice.
Cancer Waiting Times, July to September 2012 – Provider Based
Pre-realse access list 2012-13 Q2
CWT Press release 2012-13 Q2 Provider-based
Cancer Waiting Times commentary Q2 2012-13 Provider-based
Q2 2012-2013 cancer waiting times workbook – Provider-based
CSV files
Supporting information (provider data)
All cancers two week wait (provider data)
Two week wait by suspected cancer (provider data)
Two week wait exhibited breast symptoms where cancer not initally suspected (provider data)
31 day wait for first treatment – all cancers (provider data)
31 day wait for first treatment – by cancer (provider data)
31 day wait for first treatment – for rarer cancer (provider data)
31 day wait for second or subsequent treatment – anti cancer drug treatment (provider data)
31 day wait for second or subsequent treatment – radiotherapy treatment (provider data)
31 day wait for second or subsequent treatment – surgery (provider data)
62 day wait for first treatment – all cancers (provider data)
62 day wait for first treatment – by cancer (provider data)
62 day wait for first treatment from consultant upgrade- all cancer (provider data)
62 day wait for first treatment from screening service referral- all cancers (provider data)